Monday, June 15, 2009

800 calorie 1 hr workout

Today I got in a great 800 calorie workout with in 1 hour. Here is how I did it:

1. Warmed up body by doing push ups and step ups on the flat bench in weight room (2-3min)

2. Bench Press (135/ 185/ 185lbs) while super setting Shoulder Press (22.5lbs) & Bicep Curls with (22.5lbs x 3sets) ....(5-10min)

3. Flat Dumbell Bench Press (45/ 50/ 55lbs) superset with Dumbell Bicep Curl 20lbs x 3sets ...(5-10min)

4. Cable Machine Chest Fly (50lbs x 3 sets) superset with Crunches on Exercise Ball 20 reps x 3 sets

5. Stair Climber (actual stairs) for 25 min at Level 7. (MOST CALORIES BURNED HERE)

6. Elliptical Trainer for another 20 min at Level 15-16.

7. Quick Stretch and I was done!!!! 800 Calories Burned baby!!!! YOUR TURN! =)

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